If anyone can handle a little pressure, it's got to be a Clemson Quarterback commit, right?
The High School star dual-athlete and Pirates 72nd overall pick joined the team over at Yinzer Crazy (subscribe on YouTube!) to talk about his potential future with the Pirates, and answered the question that many of you may have had on your minds.
"I'm going to pull an Ohtani,"
said the Georgia native, who excelled at both shortstop and starting pitcher, when asked what position he would prefer to stay at in the majors. He also discussed what the Pirates have mentioned to him about just that.
Also on this episode, we introduce you to the Pirates 37th overall pick, Anthony Solometo, who chats about his excitement to join the Buccos organization and why the city of Pittsburgh was already firmly entrenched in his heart.
It's jam-packed full of Buccos fun, the only way Yinzer Crazy knows how to do things! WATCH BELOW!